Avis is committed to making your travel faster, easier and more enjoyable. That's why we've developed membership programs and personal services that are designed to meet your needs and make your rentals more pleasurable. To make a reservation, contact avis.com or call 1-800-698-5665.
A complimentary membership, you’ll travel better, saving time and money and gain access to exclusive offers.
Find the sights. Lose the traffic with voice navigation.
Take the fast lane to your destination using electronic tolls. (Available in the U.S. only)
Add your favorite soundtracks to your drive with coast-to-coast coverage and commercial-free music from almost every genre. (Available in the U.S. only)
For Avis Preferred® members and above. Your own personal driver, by the hour or by the day.
Convertibles to BMWs - rides that are just your style.
Convenient to wherever (and whenever) you need a rental.
Renting for 60 or more days, and you'll get low, long-term rates (plus, you won't have to return to the rental counter).
Join Fastbreak and leave the waiting behind. The program is free to join, and as a member, you can simply flash your license, grab the keys and go. Sign up for Fastbreak today and break into a smarter way to travel.
Rentals of 60+ days have special low rates.
Make your leisure travel even sweeter by saving up to 30%.
Get around like a local.
Save your pocket change and pay electronically. (Available in the U.S. only)
Forget lost papers - receipts are sent to your e-mail.
Keep your favorite tunes, wherever you go. (Available in the U.S. only)
Your membership entitles you to special benefits with Hertz. When you travel with Hertz, you can expect consistently excellent service wherever you go. Whether traveling for business or pleasure, you are eligible to receive a percentage discount on your rentals. Members can save up to 20% with Hertz when your discount code CDP # is applied to your reservation. Additionally, members can save even more when they sign up for Gold Plus Rewards®. Join today and start earning points towards free days, weeks or weekends.
To make your reservation, book online at hertz.com and enter your discount code CDP# or call Hertz 1 (800) 654–3131.
Over 20,000 locations worldwide
Long term leasing & travel into Eastern Europe
Motorhome rentals in Europe and South Pacific
Package savings when combined with car or hotel
Contracts with all major carriers
Hourly, 1/2 and full day touring and transfers
Premium selection of vehicles in all major cities
Ports of call shore excursion chauffeur services
No minimum stay requirements
Taxes and gratuities included
Instant confirmation of car rental services
Full commission percentage
Portable GPS includes rental country map
MiFi services in UK, France, Italy & Germany
Over 200 departures including Rhone/Saone, Rhine. Danube, Moselle and Main rivers in Europe
Auto Europe offers MMS members a 24-hour, Toll Free, dedicated Reservations number 1-800-650-6222 or the option of booking on autoeurope.com. When you are traveling abroad, Auto Europe supplies a 24-hour Toll Free number if assistance is needed.
Up to 50% off at hotels like Hyatt, Marriott, Hilton, Holiday Inn, Omni, Drury, and Westin.
At Comfort Inn hotels, you’ll find everything you need to create your perfect stay. From welcom-ing rooms and cozy beds to a new, free hot breakfast with lots of choices — all at a great rate. Our friendly staff is also available to help you with whatever you need to make your trip more enjoyable. You’ll wake up refreshed and ready for a great day.
*Some amenities and programs may vary and are available only at U.S. locations. *You must advise the front desk of a problem right away and give them an opportunity to correct the situation. If the hotel staff is unable to satisfy you, they may credit you up to one night's free stay. Not all international hotels participate in this program. Call 800.258.2847 or go to www.choicehotels.com, and reference your association's Special Rate Identification Number.